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Regular exercising is associated with numerous health benefits that cannot be ignored, including improved circulation, reduced risk of heart diseases, and other lifestyle diseases. Exercise is good for mental health and it helps people live happily regardless of their age, gender, or physical ability. Research shows that people who exercise regularly tend to have better moods and energy levels. Exercise yields relaxation in the body and soul, enhancing one's ability to manage negative feelings and stay happy. This article sheds more light on the specific activities that will improve your mood and boost your energy levels.
Exercise and Improved Moods
Scientific research is yet to establish why exercise helps with mood-boosting. Even so, evidence exists to show precisely how exercise helps. According to experts from Better Health, it is a combination of the outcomes of training that result in improved mood. Exercise helps eliminate depression by stimulating serotonin's release, whose function is to regulate mood, appetite, and sleep. Some chemicals in our immune system can worsen depression. Exercise helps in the reduction of such compounds. When we exercise, the body generates high levels of endorphins, which act as natural mood lifters. Enough sleep helps in boosting brain health. Exercise encourages standard sleeping patterns, thereby preventing brain damage. When you engage in physical activity, the effect of stress on your brain is limited, promoting the brain's proper functioning.
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Studies have shown that physical activity stimulates brain chemical release that helps improve mood and reduce depression. People who routinely engage in exercise are associated with low tension levels and are better with anger management. One experimental study by the American Psychological Association revealed that inactive people are more depressed than their active counterparts. Findings from the study also suggest that those who were initially active but suddenly stopped altogether, end up more depressed than those who are consistent with exercising.
Exercises for Raised Energy Levels
Exercise is one of the surest ways to boost energy levels. With an energized body, internal body mechanisms like blood circulation and metabolism are enhanced. Physically inactive people tend to have conditions such as obesity, which results from poor digestion and the body's inability to turn fats into energy. With proper exercises, the body is stimulated to burn fats. It is also common to find people complaining of fatigue as a hindrance to physical activity, not knowing that exercise is an excellent way to fight fatigue.
One of the main reasons for fatigue is a lack of physical activity. Various studies have shown that the more active one is, the more energetic they will feel. The amount of energy in one's body is determined by your diet and how many mitochondria you have. As you become more active, your body produces more mitochondria resulting in more energy. Experts from Mayo Clinic argue that not all types of physical activities or exercise are fit for boosting energy levels. They say that some can be draining to people, beating the logic of energy building.
The following are some of the exercises to help boost energy levels and improve moods:
Aerobic Exercises
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Aerobic exercise increases heart rate, building the intensity to release endorphins responsible for rising our mood. Activities like swimming, cycling, jogging, walking and running are categorized as aerobic and are perfect for reducing stress and anxiety. According to a study conducted by the Harvard Medical School, running for 15 minutes, or taking a 60 minutes' walk daily, decreases the risk of depression. If you have had a long stressful day, go for a short run, and experience a mood-enhancing effect.
Aerobics have been proven to boost energy levels because such exercises increase the heart rate. While this may be confusing because fatigue always follows high-intensity training, it is essential to note that energy levels typically pick up a couple of hours later. The reasoning behind this is that, post-training, the body takes some time to produce extra mitochondria. It is advisable to start with low-moderate training as you build up to minimize the post-training lull.
Activities such as cycling have been associated with high energy levels. One study conducted by the University of Georgia in Athens UGA, found that even when one rides a stationary bike, they achieve higher energy levels. The subjects of the study also demonstrated positive energy boosts in their brains. According to the researchers, cycling stimulates the brain's neural circuits making people feel more energized.
Some people who have engaged in Yoga say that it is nearly impossible to attend a yoga class and not leave feeling better. By just stepping into a yoga mat and engaging in a couple of poses, you can boost your mood. Yoga exercises are designed to allow for the control of the mind and body.Yoga has been proven to relieve people of anxiety and bring a sense of calmness and relaxation. It awakens parts of the brain associated with positive emotions that boost your mood. There are specific yoga poses that are quick and effective in boosting one’s mood. They include; mountain pose, wide-legged forward fold, downward-facing dog, down dog crunch, one leg plank pose, cobra pose, butterfly pose, and forward fold. Such poses also enable the mind to focus and influence the brain to react calmly.
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Yoga, especially the back-bending poses, help your body feel active. Yoga experts from Verywell fit recommend gentle backbend and stretches that work to tighten and open chest muscles. Relaxed chest muscles allow for free and comfortable breathing that better fills the lungs.It enables deep breathing that fosters both physical energy and mental alertness. Some Yoga poses that help boost energy levels include; camel pose, upward facing dog pose, cobra pose, sphinx pose, king pigeon pose, and bridge pose.
Tai Chi
This type of exercise is common in China but practiced worldwide. It is a form of ancient Chinese martial art that studies have linked to reduced levels of stress. Tai Chi involves simple movements of the body that anyone can do. Typically done in a standing position, it is all about engaging the muscles in both the lower and upper parts of the body while applying rhythmic breathing. While standing, one is supposed to shift weight back and forth.
The repeated movements and rhythmic breathings bring a sense of relaxation to the muscles and calm the mind in the process. These slow shifts, mellow pace, and precise actions all work best to focus the mind and yield calmness. Given the slow movements associated with Tai Chi, many people do not believe that this kind of exercise is a good energy boosting source. They do not know that the slow and repeated body movements work best to align the body, strengthen the nerves, and reduce stress in the heart, thus boosting energy levels.
Weight Training
According to research, weight lifting directly helps to reduce depression. A New York Times article highlights the benefits of weight lifting in strength training and reducing depression. According to the article, resistance exercises minimize an individual's gloom and melancholy. Evidence as highlighted by NCBI shows that physical fitness is positively linked to reduced chances of clinical depression. Physical activities (such as weight training) significantly reduce symptoms in people who have previously been diagnosed with depression.
Strength training has also been found to relieve people of anxiety and nervousness. According to Dr Haran Sivapalan, a fitness expert, strength training has both physiological and psychological benefits. They speculate that this exercise could affect the part of the brain that releases neurochemicals that influence our mood. As such, they recommend it as an exercise for boosting moods and enhancing mental health in general.
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According to fitness experts from Mayo Clinic, it is close to impossible to engage in strength training when dehydrated. They recommend adequate hydration prior to resistance training to enhance performance in the gym. Always take a DYLN Bottle with you to ensure that you stay better hydrated with alkaline water as you work out.
Weight training exercises are generally targeted at specific muscles of the body. The goal for those who weight train is to strengthen and build muscles. As the muscles are exposed to heavier loads, they adapt and become stronger. Strong muscles equal more energy in the body. Endorphins responsible for lifting energy levels and boosting your moods are produced during strength training. Such exercises also trigger neurochemicals and neuromuscular responses that positively impact the functioning of the brain. Other benefits of weight/strength training include chronic disease management, better body mechanisms, burning calories, cardiovascular health benefits, and weight loss.
In a nutshell
Exercise is important both for physical and mental health. Individuals who are consistent with exercising have lower chances of getting lifestyle diseases and chronic heart conditions. To live happily, develop a routine, and ensure that you stick to the exercises that will improve your immunity, boost energy levels, lift your spirit, and make you live a fulfilling life. It takes commitment and dedication to maintain an active exercise focused lifestyle. So don’t give up.