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90 Minutes Of Music For Your Daily Vinyasa


Whether you’re driving in your car at night, getting dressed for a night out with your friends, or having a lazy morning with a cup of coffee, there is always a certain song or style of music to compliment your mood or current situation. Same with your yoga class. The music you play or practice to should mirror the energy of your postures. Music sets the tone and intention for your class. For example, do you want to focus more on power and strength or calming and restoring? Think of the natural flow of class- the music should gradually increase, hit a climax, and then slowly wind down for the rest of class. 

For me personally, I love music with a constant beat and driving rhythm. I want to be able to feel the music within me. Cliché I know but it’s true! If the beat of the song can make me naturally bob my head in chair pose and distract me from my quads burning and the sweat dripping down my face, then sign me up! I’ve noticed as a teacher that when songs are more “beat driven” the music flows into each other better than lyric based songs which can create more choppy transitions in between songs. Warning for teachers: Be careful of what your lyrics are saying! Avoid songs with foul language. No bad words or too sad of songs about breakups! (Could you imagine going through a breakup and hearing Sam Smith’s “Stay With Me” in savasana? Cue the water works!)

Here is a set list for a 90-minute power vinyasa class. This playlist is meant to evoke the POWER within and inspire you to move! It’s all ready for you to listen and follow on Spotify. Now I turn to you! What are your favorite songs to flow or move to? What kind of music playlist would you like to hear next?


With light and love,



Guest Post by Chelsea Murphy

Aside from taking pictures of her dogs and watching Netflix, Chelsea's greatest love is yoga. Having danced since the age of 3, she loves moving, exercising, and body alignment and enjoys incorporating those elements into her practice and classes. 

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