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5 Yoga Poses To Keep You Balanced For Fall

5 Yoga Poses To Keep You Balanced For Fall

Autumn is a season of transformation and change. The leaves fall, the air changes, and new fruits and veggies show up at the farmers market and on grocery store shelves. As these changes occur we must look at the adjustments we need to make in our lives as well. We adapt our daily lives, our eating habits, and even our yoga practice to reflect the seasons.

According to Ayurveda there are three main Doshas, or energies. Just as each person has a dominate dosha, each season is also dominated by one of the three doshas. During the fall the vata dosha is dominant, often leaving you to feel unstilted, ungrounded, and unstable. Because of vata’s association with the nervous system, its state is often reflected in our mental health. To maintain internal balance we incorporating yoga poses, foods, and lifestyle choices that hold opposite qualities of the vata dosha.

5 Fall Yoga Poses

During the fall it is best if you can schedule your practice routinely. Try to practice at the same time every day, for the same length of time. This will help to build a routine to counteract the chaotic vata energy. The lungs and large intestines are the two organs associated with fall, so incorporate poses that focus on these. You may feel your mind wandering as your practice, so use your breath to keep your mind quiet and focused.

1. Twists:

There are different twists that target the upper, middle and lower portions of the torso, all having their own unique set of health benefits. Twists help to improve digestive functions, detox, maintain normal spinal rotation, reduces back pain, promotes stress relief. 

Yoga Poses For Fall: Sitting Half Spinal Twist -- Ardha Matsyendrasana

Yoga Poses For Fall: Sitting Half Spinal Twist -- Ardha Matsyendrasana

2. Side Stretches

In some fitness practices the sides of the body are often forgotten. Yoga works to shine light on these "forgotten" but vital areas. Side stretches help to ease backaches, anxiety, fatigue, headaches, and insomnia.

Yoga Poses For Fall: Revolved Head To Knee Pose -- Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana 

Yoga Poses For Fall: Revolved Head To Knee Pose -- Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana

3. Backbends

One of the most notable benefits of backbends is relief of anxiety and stress. A daily backbend routine can do wonders to eliminate chronic anxiety that racks our bodies and minds. By opening up the front of your body, you release and break through stress.

Yoga Poses For Fall: Bridge Pose -- Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

Yoga Poses For Fall: Bridge Pose -- Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

4. Warrior I Pose and Warrior II Pose

The warrior poses opens your chest and lungs, builds stamina and concentration, and stimulates your abdominal organs

Yoga Poses For Fall: Warrior I -- Virabhadrasana I

Yoga Poses For Fall: Warrior I -- Virabhadrasana I


Yoga Poses For Fall: Warrior II -- Virabhadrasana II

Yoga Poses For Fall: Warrior II -- Virabhadrasana II

5. Sun Salutations

Sun salutations warm the body during the chill of autumn. Move with your breath to warm and activate the muscles. Work to find synchronization between each asana and breath.

Yoga Poses For Fall: Upward Facing Dog -- Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

Yoga Poses For Fall: Upward Facing Dog -- Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

Yoga Poses For Fall: Downward Facing Dog -- Adho Mukha Svanasana

Yoga Poses For Fall: Downward Facing Dog -- Adho Mukha Svanasana

Enjoy a long Savasana at the end of your practice to fully stabilize the moving vata energy. For extra grounding try placing a blanket, bolster, or pillow over your body. 

Yoga Poses For Fall: Corpse Pose -- Savasana

Yoga Poses For Fall: Corpse Pose -- Savasana


Along with making changes to your yoga practice, adjusting your eating habits can help to balance the vata dosha in the fall. Make sure you are eating the foods you need to support your body -- Foods To Keep You Healthy This Fall  


A special thanks to DYLN Ambassador, Lindsey Scott, for the beautiful pose demonstrations.

Lindsey is wearing the DYLN Inspired Becoming Tank in Black/DYLN Blue and Captivate Capri in Black/Sequin Print. 

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