How should I clean my VitaBead Diffuser?
Using conventional dish soap may impact shorten lifespan of the VitaBeads. Instead, we recommend hand washing using just warm water and let the Diffuser completely air-dry.
Apprendre encore plusHow should I store my Extra VitaBead Diffusers?
Store your Extra VitaBead Diffusers in a cool and dry area. As long as they aren't exposed to excessive heat or moisture, the Extra Diffusers will last until the next time you need them. There is no storage expiration date.
Apprendre encore plusCan I put my DYLN Bottle in the freezer to cool it?
We do not recommend putting your DYLN Bottle in the freezer. Water expands at freezing temperatures and may affect the structural integrity of the Bottle. Instead, we recommend putting ice cubes into your DYLN Bottle to keep the water cold.
Apprendre encore plusHow to clean the DYLN Bottle?
To clean your DYLN Bottle, first remove the Diffuser from your bottle. The inside of the bottle and the cap can be cleaned warm soapy water—preferably plant-based soap. Let the bottle and cap air dry for the best results before using again. Handwash the Diffuser with warm water without any soap. For best results, air dry your Diffuser before inserting back into your bottle. Please ensure to change your Diffuser every 300 liters or every three months, whichever comes first. You can use a dishwasher to wash the DYLN bottle and its accessories. Please make sure to remove the Vitabead diffuser first.
Apprendre encore plusRemoving and inserting the VitaBead Diffuser
*Please note: There are two outward 'dots' on the outside of the Diffuser, which the Tool will grab onto. These Dots are at the TOP of your Diffuser and should attach to the Tool. Please ensure you correctly insert the Diffuser into your Tool before reinstalling the Diffuser in your DYLN Bottle.
Apprendre encore plusHow do I know when to replace my Diffuser?
The easiest way to know when to replace your Diffuser is by registering your DYLN Bottle here. Once registered, we will send you an email reminder when it's nearing time to replace your Diffuser.
Apprendre encore plusWhat kind of water can I use with my DYLN?
We recommend only using purified or filtered water since the VitaBead Diffuser does not filter water. However, any water you consider safe to drink, you may use with the DYLN Bottle. For example, your tap water quality may be a different drinkable standard quality depending on where you live. The DYLN Bottle will enhance any water you add to it, however, it will not filter water.As for water temperature, we do not recommend using hot or boiling water as it will decrease the lifespan of the VitaBeads. Using warm, room temperature or cold water is fine.
Apprendre encore plusActivating the DYLN Diffuser
Before first use we recommend removing the VitaBead Diffuser and rinsing it for 20 seconds. Then soak it in warm water for 20 minutes, followed by letting it air dry completely overnight. Wash the bottle separately with warm water and plant-based soap if desired. Once dry, insert the Diffuser back into the bottle and you're ready to go! Please Note: Because of the living Nature of the VitaBeads, there will be pressure buildup within the DYLN Bottle. You may receive an occasional refreshing mist of water while opening. During the first two weeks of use, be sure to loosen the cap every few hours to release the pressure. Repeat these instructions each time you replace with a new Diffuser.
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