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Exhausted? Try These 6 Ways to Boost Your Energy Levels

Exhausted? Try These 6 Ways to Boost Your Energy Levels

Header Photo by Ketut Subiyanto




Life is full of ups and downs, right? Sometimes you're feeling great and other times you feel exhausted. We know how it feels to be dragging yourself around after a long day or week at work or school. You're probably looking for ways to boost your energy levels without relying on coffee or other stimulants that can cause jitters and anxiety.

Here are 7 strategies that will help you get back in the game:


Try adaptogens.


Adaptogens are plants or herbs that help the body cope with stress and maintain balance. They do this in the same way that our own adrenal glands respond to stress, releasing hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. Adaptogens can be found in certain types of mushrooms, roots, lichen, leaves and flowers.


Adaptogens act on both physical and mental levels to calm you down (think yoga), increase alertness (through a quick walk) or provide energy for your workout routine (like coffee). These herbs contain a variety of phytochemicals—plant compounds—that may help fight disease by stimulating immune function or protecting the body from free radicals (the harmful byproducts produced during metabolism). And because adaptogens have been shown to affect many physiological systems in diverse ways, they’re considered safe enough to take daily long-term if needed.


Some examples include: ashwagandha (a root used extensively in Ayurvedic medicine), Rhodiola Rosea (an herb that grows wild across northern Europe).


Dring vegetable juice


One of the best ways to boost your energy levels is through vegetable juice. Vegetable juices are created by blending vegetables, fruits, and herbs into a liquid form. They're rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that help improve health and increase energy levels.


Photo by Polina Tankilevitch


If you tend to drink coffee or soda first thing in the morning, try swapping it out for a glass of vegetable juice instead. You'll get all of the same benefits minus all of those additives like caffeine and artificial sweeteners, plus you'll get an extra kick from all those natural sugars found in these veggies!


Get a daily workout.


As you’ve probably heard, exercise is essential for keeping your energy levels high. Exercise also helps boost your mood, which means you’ll be in a better frame of mind when it comes time for work or school. And since our brains are such a large part of what makes us human—the “control center” for everything we do—it only makes sense that regular physical activity can help improve our mental states as well (and vice versa).


So where do you start if this is all new territory? Well first off: don’t worry if it doesn’t come naturally right away! Getting in shape takes time and patience; there are no shortcuts here! The most important thing is to find something fun that gets your heart rate up while still feeling comfortable enough to stick with over time. If running isn't doing the trick anymore then try swimming laps instead; maybe even add some weights into the mix once you're ready!


Get enough vitamin B12


Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin that helps in the formation of red blood cells and DNA. It is found in meat, fish, eggs, and dairy products.


It helps to maintain the nervous system and myelin sheath. This means it's essential for people with neurological disorders like multiple sclerosis or Parkinson’s disease.


It also helps to maintain healthy nerve cells in the brain, which could be why some researchers believe that a deficiency may increase one's risk of developing Alzheimer's disease later in life.


Stay hydrated with alkaline water and electrolytes


Drinking alkaline water and electrolytes is a simple way to boost your energy levels. Water is essential for good health, but you’re probably not drinking enough of it. One way to make sure you get enough is by adding a pinch of sea salt or Himalayan rock salt to your water bottle or drinking glass overnight so that your body can absorb more of the minerals that are in the salt.



Bonus tip: Pour some filtered water into your DYLN, enhance your water + add ice and a few lemon slices. It makes for a great and refreshing source of low-acid vitamin C!


Improve sleep quality


To ensure you get the best sleep possible, you should aim to get between 7-8 hours of sleep each night. Make sure your mattress and pillows are in good condition and use an eye mask or ear plugs to block out light and noise. Getting a full night’s rest will help reduce your stress levels, which leads to increased energy levels.


If you have trouble falling asleep at night, try setting an alarm for 30 minutes before bedtime so that when it goes off—no matter how tired you feel—you go into another room for 20 minutes until the urge to snooze passes (this will keep other parts of your brain from taking over). Then go back into your bedroom and begin a relaxing nighttime ritual such as reading something inspirational, taking a bath with lavender essential oil or meditating until drowsiness sets in.



If you find yourself feeling exhausted and low on energy, there are many things that can help. The first step is to begin by taking a good look at your daily routine, and see where you can make some lifestyle changes. You may want to consider adding more exercise, or even changing up your diet so it's full of healthy fats and veggies - these will give your body what it needs to get through each day with more energy!

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