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The Secret Behind Great Tasting Water

The Secret Behind Great Tasting Water

Have you ever heard someone say, “this brand’s water tastes amazing” or “yuck, this water tastes horrible” and think “hmm water has a specific taste?” 

If you have, you are not alone. Most people don’t associate flavor with plain old water. 

However, the reality is, if you were to take a big sip of a different town's tap water or filtered water you usually don’t drink, you will most likely notice a change in taste. Don’t believe us, go try a new water source. The results may shock you. 

Now, that said, there is a good reason why people can pick up on the subtle flavor and sometimes even smell of water. And, that reason or secret is something we think you may find very interesting. 

So, today, we will take you deep into why water tastes bad, the secret to great tasting water, and more! 


Why Does Water Taste Bad?  


There are a number of reasons why water can taste bad. These can include chemicals, additives, environmental contaminants, metal concentrations, naturally occurring compounds, and a few more.


Photo by Pavel Danilyuk from Pexels

For example, the most common complaints about bad-tasting water often involve chlorine. Yes, it’s true. Many communities and bottled water companies use harmless levels of this chemical to make water drinkable. It is an essential disinfectant. However, unfortunately, this additive also comes with a strong aroma and taste. 

But, the reason for bad, no, off or different taste doesn’t stop there. 

In fact, while we are on the topic of additives, did you know that all water has a different path from source to mouth? From rain or river to a processing plant or bottling factory, all the way to drinking, on its path water picks up unique flavors. Therefore, every batch of water should vary in its flavor. Water that comes from Colorado will taste differently from one that is sourced in Maine. 

Actually, many people that live near the ocean report a slight scent and flavor of sulfur in their water. On the other hand, people that live near mountains may notice chalkiness. This is all due to what is in the ground nearby and the unique ingredients. 

Interesting? Yeah, we think so too. 


The Secret! 



Short and sweet, the secret to great-tasting water is mineral content or, in other words, total dissolved solids (TDS). Even better, these taste-alerting minerals often have positive side effects!  

That said, let’s quickly look at regular tap water vs mineral water. 

In the U.S. tap water must adhere to the Safe Drinking Water Act. Within this act, the water comes from above or below ground sources, is taken to treatment facilities, is purified, then tested for a limited number of contaminants, and minerals may be added. 

Mineral water, on the other hand, comes from underground reservoirs or mountain mineral springs and must contain at least 250 parts per million of TDS. It is bottled right where it is collected and often renowned for purity.  

This purity is often associated with the delightful flavor of mineral water. 


What Minerals Are Found In Great Tasting Water?



Truth be told, there are trace amounts of countless minerals in regular tap as well as filtered drinking water. However, there are a few minerals that stand out and are often added to water to make it taste better. These include zinc and silica as well as: 

Calcium - a very abundant natural mineral that aids in strengthening the body, calcium gets into water from dissolved rocks. These rocks may include limestone, marble, calcite, dolomite, etc. Water that is high in calcium is considered hard and will have a taste that is well, milky or calcium

Magnesium - a vital mineral, without magnesium the body can not regulate nerve or muscle function as well as blood pressure or the immune system. Luckily, most water is enriched with it. It gets there by being washed off rocks just like calcium. Also, a mineral that makes water hard,  magnesium levels that are just right will taste crisp, while too high amounts may have a bitter flavor. 

Sodium - a great natural way to improve fluid balance and body recovery, the mineral sodium or salt is released into water from ground mineral deposits or sea spray. The low levels of sodium in normal drinking water should never be notable but feel smooth on the palate. If water is salty it is not drinkable. 

Potassium - a very important mineral that is a key part of any healthy diet, safe levels of potassium get into water from plants and animal materials bound in soils. Often undetectable, except for a clean taste, too much potassium may result in a bitter or acidic flavor. 

Bicarbonate - also known as baking soda, bicarbonate is not a mineral, however is very important when it comes to your body. It gets into water from being washed off rocks like limestone. Generally, a flavor that goes unnoticed, water with bicarbonate will taste wonderfully refreshing. 

When these minerals combine in water, most people will agree that it tastes simply wonderful. Smooth, crisp, clean, refreshing. Oh, the bliss. 


Naturally Occurring Alkaline Water Tastes Great! 



There are two types of alkaline water. The first is naturally occurring and the second is ionized. 

Naturally occurring Alkaline water is made when rivers or springs pass over rocks and pick up minerals. That said, high-quality mineral water, you know, the stuff that tastes really good, is usually mildly alkaline. If tested it will have a pH of 7. 

On the other hand, ionized Alkaline water, most of the stuff that is commercially available, does not have those natural minerals. They are made using a process called electrolysis and are ionized to make them alkaline. Within the process, electricity is used to separate acidic ions from basic ions. Once complete, the acidic ions are removed leaving only the basic, negatively charged molecules. This result is artificial alkaline water that has not been enhanced with the good-for-you minerals

Is it shocking to realize that the Alkaline water you have been enjoying isn’t all that you thought it was? If yes, don’t worry. We have an answer for you. 

DYLN makes Alkaline water the natural way. We use minerals to boost the pH of the water to over 9+. The minerals in our VitaBeads include magnesium, zinc, silica, and tourmaline. Each is added not just for health reasons but, also to improve the flavor of filtered water!

Ready to experience the difference of creating your own Alkaline water using the minerals that make naturally occurring great-tasting water? Head to DYLN today and start hydrating with mineral water that has a simply splendid flavor. 

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